Our Services


Arboriculture is a scientific and professional discipline of the care of trees and other woody plants in the landscape

The core of the company consists of doctors of science, top experts in their fields, actively involved in the problematic and popularization of arboriculture, which is developing rapidly

Assessment of tree condition

We are evaluating health, structural analysis and risk trees:

Proposal demolition / pruning trees

We advise regarding demolition or pruning trees that are at risk, sick, under static minimum:

  • Proposal demolition / pruning trees that do not meet the minimum static (SIA)
  • Proposal demolition / pruning trees of poor vitality, poor health
  • Proposal demolition / pruning trees high risk

Prijedlog rušenja/orezivanja stabala

We provide consulting services regarding replacement of existing trees and planting new you.

  • We make elaborate proposals and instructions for planting trees within the available areas
  • Cartographic and tabular presentation of the distribution of species and sizes of seedlings, indicative cost, niche feature for planting pits in the field

Tree tagging

Each tree within the coverage area, thicker ≥ 7cm, is marked with an identification plate.

Digital Tree Cadastral (DTC)

After recording the data field survey, and after expert assessment of existing trees, the customer gets access to our online digital cadastre trees application (DTC).
DTC's online GIS Cloud applications with all necessary functionalities such as: physical examination data on trees and other features such as meadows and hedges, the ability to update data (demolition, pruning, cutting, mowing ...), the possibilities of analytical review of data and reports on Cadastre (number of fallen trees, number of trees by species, occupied area, the length of the hedge and the like.) .

Browser options:
Apply a solution:
  • Integration into e-Cities systems
  • Expanding tourist offer through interactive solutions for linking visitors and trees
  • Creating interactive games for visitors
  • Development of specialized backgrounds and functionalities according to client's needs

Processing and repairing soil properties around a tree using AIRSPADE system

AIRSPADE special tool developed and patented in the US, using compressed air, allows soil to be cultivated in the root zone without damaging the roots.

With AIRSPADE system we can:
  • loosen the soil in the root zone
  • dig trenches in the root zone
  • mulch vertically in the root zone
  • dig out a covered tree trunk
  • completely bare the root to replace the soil or move the tree
  • dig the soil without the risk of damaging tree roots or installations such as pipelines, pipelines, cables, etc.
  • Learn more

For information and inquiries regarding AIRSPADE special tools and accessories send us a message using the online form